Park Ventura
- 21200 Ventura Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 91364
- (818) 884-7100
- 3.2 ( 6 reviews )
- Assisted Living and Memory Care

Related Costs
About This Community
At Park Ventura, our goal is to provide our residents with the best in senior living. Our high-quality care and dedicated staff ensure that the health needs of all of our residents are supported, while our wide variety of activities provides them with the opportunity to enjoy enriching and entertaining experiences in the company of others.
Our amenities include:
- A variety of community spaces, including a parlor, library, arts and crafts room, pool table area and an activities room
- An array of activities including bingo, movies, pet therapy, drumming, arts and crafts, word games and current events
- Some accommodations offer balconies
Our all-inclusive pricing means there are no surprise costs. This includes:
- Housekeeping
- Utilities
- Laundry
- Transportation
- All activities
We offer compassionate care with dignity!
( 6 Reviews )

March 22, 2019
This place is dirty and I saw dead roaches in rooms of my uncle. If you really hate your elderly parents, then this is the place for you. The hallways smelled of urine and the patients were wandering around the hallways with no supervision. We finally moved my uncle out of this home.

Loving Granddaughter
August 21, 2017
My grandmother is at Park Ventura. The staff members are careless. They don't take good enough care of the people. They're not careful with my grandma. They're sometimes rude but not always and don't clean the rooms, which are dirty and not well taken care of. There's an activity room and a movie room. They also have poker, board games, cards, and puzzles. The food is OK, but my grandma doesn't like it. My grandma doesn't have money right now. They lowered their rent for her, but their care is not so good. It's not a good place.

May 30, 2017
Park Ventura looked old and drab, and we're not interested. They had rooms for activities, but they didn't leave an impression. The staff didn't impress me.

March 30, 2017
We are happy with Park Ventura. My friend has a nice-sized apartment. He can have his dog, which is very important. It is a nice quiet neighborhood, so it is safe to walk around with his dog. Also he is getting acquainted with the other people. At first, he was upset, but he is meeting other people and making friends, so we are pleased with Park Ventura. They take him to his doctor's appointments, and they take care of his medication. They're keeping an eye on him. They do his laundry and change his bed too.

November 11, 2015
SSI "Friendly Community."
Pet Friendly Community."
Ages 60+ (unless granted an exception)
I am a case manager for a person in residence. I'm at the facility regularly as it is close by my home. The "positives" I have seen through a very critical eye (!) are extremely great and the "negatives" I have found are relatively minor if I am looking at a long-term picture for "my person."
If you want me to give you one word that describes this place it would have to be "heart."
Within the "class" of SSI facilities that accept low-income people, I would give this place very high marks! It's an older building that seems well maintained. Just needs a modernizing face lift.
Staff here care and take very good care of people here on the side I am familiar with, which is the "come and go" side vs. memory care. I am not familiar with the memory care side, other than to say that in the seven years that Park Ventura has been around, there seems to not be any major issues with either side. Residents consider the staff their family, or friends, as many have been "abandoned" by family and friends on the outside world.
On Property Amenities: Daily movies, library, billiards, tv lounge, BINGO, gym, Activities Director, Cathy, always creates a good time for anyone wanting to come "play" or "work out." Underground parking - free. There is also a salon for haircuts, barbering, manicures, etc. (AND- you can also go off property nearby for these services.)
Off property: They offer trips. Local walking or short bus distance: Library, new Westfield Mall, many coffee places, Brothers BBQ just across the side street, Denny's restaurant, several drug stores, Trader Joe's, banks (Wells Fargo, Chase, CitiBank). It's on a bus line - stops are about a block away. Everything is "flat level" walking or rolling distance around here.
Rooms: Vary in quality at this time, subject to upgrades. Residents can decorate as they wish, working with the Administrator. Rooms usually have a balcony or patio. Some people have roommates (cheaper) and others have private rooms. Each room has its own shower-stall bathroom. Room-size is about 10' x 30'. As you enter, the sliding closet doors are on the "entrance hallway." No cooking in the room, but you can bring in a small fridge.
Medications: Everything is handled through the Meds Room - even if you just want to keep aspirin, etc., on you, you have to get special permission.
Meals: Many people stay because the food is very good here. Three meals a day: 7am, noon, and 4:30, then an evening snack at 7pm. Ice cream nights are Mon. and Fri. My person is putting on pounds here as there seems to always be plenty of food!
Visiting Docs, Psychiatrist, etc. Whoever you want coming in would have a "contract" with the facility allowing for them to treat on property. Residents can see whoever they want. Suggest "shopping around" if you don't have your personal favorite now, vs. settling for who the facility may refer as a default. Not that the defaults are bad or good, just that you have "options."
Easily within a mile or two, Park Ventura can give you or your person a ride to medical, dental, podiatry, audiologist, psychiatrist, chiropractic, and even surgical consults. Closest major hospital would probably be Northridge (Dignity Healthcare).
Phones, TV, Internet: Residents can have a landline, or cell. TV is Time Warner, or Direct TV. Internet would be through Time Warner, ATT (which personally I do not recommend ATT for anyone on Ventura Blvd as service seems to be inconsistent) or use your hotspot on your cell smart phone. The facility does not have an add-on for Internet and there are presently no Internet common usage area.
This is definitely a come-and-go place for the open unlocked side. People here still live very active lives, as much as possible.
What I haven't seen - "this is good news":
"Carelessness" - I have NOT seen any slip ups here. The place is very clean! I have not seen any weird stuff sitting around in odd places to trip over, etc. The place is picked up and well looked after. Compared to where my person lived before (more expensive), this place is a real gem!
"Grumblers" - If you visit a few assisted living places, you will find "the grumblers"...the people that no matter what they are committed to being victims and unhappy. I've met only two at PV and they moved out. Most people here are VERY happy.
Recommendation: Where ever you go, or you put your person - please keep involved, or keep your family and friends involved. No matter how great the place, it is always better to have a Healthcare Directive and Power of Attorney for Healthcare in place. You never know when you will need it. Medications can interfere with focused sound judgement. It's always better, I think, to have "checks and balances" - have someone trained on "what you want," and "how to enforce your wishes" in case you need it.
Some things to consider....
While the care team side seems great to certainly satisfactory, the Admin side is "overwhelmed" and "congested." The focal point is the front desk sign in area and seems to be a magnet for "everyone." The front desk person is juggling calls, intercom, inbound / outbound visitors, medical professionals, residents wanting mail or banking, asking questions, staff: med room and maintenance, housekeeping and aides... The Administrator is off-property at other meetings often until late morning. If you or your person are "high needs," this may be something to think about. If you or your person have the random question here or there and are only signing in or out, or checking on mail this "congestion" will probably easily be taken in stride. For me, as a case manager, I try to time my needs and calls after 2pm, as much as possible, and find it is just way easier to get more done faster.
Slow: Communications can be slow unless you are a bit of a "squeaky wheel." But PLEASE be kind - they all seem to be doing the very best they can most days - and smiling through the craziness.
Bottom line: At this point, I don't need to be in assisted living. But if I did, I would apply here. I really like Park Ventura. And probably most important, from even all the digging and poking around I have done on and off property, I can tell you I really trust the staff here, especially Amanda, the Asst Administrator, Lupe (amazing Lupe on front desk in the mornings), Jorde, and Jessica in the Meds Room. Amanda runs a tight ship from what I can see. Staff respects her, and being around this place is like watching a "symphony in action" playing in "Allegretto." (various "performers" coming in and out with immediate requests and needing fast results)

January 15, 2015
I moved to Park Ventura, and the staff is very friendly. They had bingo, exercise, and board games, and they go out for lunch twice a month. It’s in a wonderful location, and it's on a bus line.
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