Scenic Hills Alternative Care
- 6230 10th St N , Suite #330, Oakdale, MN 55128
- (651) 735-7259
- 1.0 ( 1 reviews )
- Assisted Living

Related Costs
( 1 Reviews )

This place is horrible! All the house managers are unqualified and incompetent...which means they hire people just like them so they won't look bad. I have witnessed residents sitting in their own feces in common areas while staff were texting and on personal phone calls. My husband lived there and was choking one night, and I was told to wait until the commercial by the aide who was watching TV until she would bring him something to drink! Truly! Residents complained constantly to management and nothing was ever done to correct the situations. Many house managers are there only because they are friends with those who are operate this place. My best advice is to turn and run away and explore some other options as fast as possible.